Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Sketchy Vision

Bismillahi Arrahmani Arraheem
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude towards my Maker who by His pure Grace and Mercy has made me a Muslim, and has bestowed such immense blessings and bounty on me, an unworthy sinful young man, in this very life. I fervently pray and supplicate to Him, and try to do so consistenty on a daily basis, that He may open the glorious gates of Paradise for me in the next life. Ameen.
Allah Most High says in the final revelation to mankind:
هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ
He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse.
(At-Tauba 9:33)
The objective of my blog, relying solely on the help of Allah Most High, is to therefore contribute to the fulfilment of this ayat of the Holy Quran. The promise of Allah is to cause Islam to prevail over all other religions, and the promise of Allah never fails. This is indeed a great and ambitious challenge which I, a humble, unknown college student from Canada have taken upon myself. But what I clearly hope to demonstrate is that it is not I who deserve any credit or praise for what will be accomplished. This endeavor cannot and will not prove to be successful if it is not the commission of my Lord. No matter how talented and skillful we human beings may become, no matter how advanced and intelligent we are, we can accomplish nothing if it is not the will of God. And so it has been a recurring Sign in the history of humanity that Allah has intervened in our affairs, caused great spiritual and moral revolutions, through the hands of men of humble livelihoods and no worldly ambitions - the Prophets and the Saints (Helpers of Allah). These were without a doubt ordinary human beings, in most if not all cases in disadvantaged circumstances, positioned in the lower rungs of their respective societies, yet even academic historians are baffled and marvel at how such unknown men changed the course of human history forever. The historians are in awe at how simple shephards and herdsmen raised among the most backwards and primitive societies have so contributed to our modern intellectual and philosophical schools of thought, and set in motion our current standards of ethics that have guided and cultivated the flourishing of civilization for many centuries. The answer to their mystery, the unknown in their equation is the Hand of God. He is the one who established communion with His righteous servants, and dictated to them their actions in order to unfold His will and divine plan for humanity.
I am by no means a Prophet or Saint, or for that matter even an authoritative scholar of my religion. I do not dare claim that I possess even a viable level of knowledge with regard to the intricate details of Islamic belief (aqeeda) and jurisprudence (fiqh), or the sciences of hadith and tafseer.Yet having read the Holy Quran at a deep and intimate level, and answering the call from Heaven to fulfill my personal religious obligation of spreading my faith (tabligh), I feel that I can, with the empowerment of Allah, share some of my insight into the beauty of Islam and present its essential message in a new light. What I mean by "new light" is that I particularly want to focus this blog on some of the neglected, yet nevertheless extremely important aspects of Islam. The Holy Quran is truly a casket of gems, its divine wisdom enlightens every particle of man's heart and intellect. It addresses every issue of the individual as well as society at large relevant to their prosperity and salvation. In particular, I wish to shed light on the eschatology of Islam, the prophecies and signs of the Day of Decision, which is fast approaching, the path to which is being paved quickly by current world events and developments. Somewhat related to this subject is Islam as an alternative political idealogy and system of governance; the untapped potential of divinely revealed law (shariat) curing the disease of secularism which has contributed most significantly to our moral and spiritual decline. The third major topic which I hope to concentrate my efforts on is a comparative analysis of Islam, and its greatest adversary and challenge - Christianity.
Having outlined a brief list of my goals and objectives that I pray to achieve with this blog, I ask the reader to join me at this moment in sincerely imploring Almighty Allah Ta'ala to bless this noble project and bestow upon it abundant fruits which we can taste and be satisfied with. Ameen, thumma ameen.

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